Novabeast Hoodie
A simple Novabeast hoodie modeled from scratch!
- 6k tris
- 1 Material slot
- Made for Novabeast by Kittomatic
- Female blendshape
- 2 Example textures, Toon and PBR
- Corrective blendshapes for clothing compatibility
- VRCFury drag-and-drop installation
- Easy to use Substance Painter file with pre-made masks for both Toon and PBR variants
- Unitypackage with VRCFury prefab
- Substance Painter (2023+) file
Terms of Use:
- You may use, as well as modify this asset for use on both public & private avatars.
- You may use this asset for commissions, but all parties involved MUST own the asset.
- You may NOT claim this asset as your own, or make misleading claims regarding this.
- You may NOT re-sell or redistribute this asset in any way, shape or form in source form, including parts of it.
- You may NOT distribute or sell modified versions of this asset without prior written permission from me.
- You may NOT use this product for any commercial purposes without first contacting me in regards to purchasing commercial usage rights.
- You are STRICTLY PROHIBITED from modifying this asset via AI tools, or using this asset for the promotion and/or training of AI tools.
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